Compression Stockings
Do you suffer from varicose veins, mild edema, have a family history of vein problems, swelling from pregnancy or overweight? You may want to consult your physician about wearing compression stockings. Our certified fitters would be happy to discuss the pleasures and available styles of stockings you can wear for healthier legs.
When is the best time to be measured for stockings?
We encourage men and women to come in before noon to be measured for their stockings. It is important to have proper measurements taken to ensure your stocking will fit correctly. If you have been standing or walking for a prolonged period of time during the day your legs may have retained some fluid and swelling could have occurred and therefore the ankle measurement (which is the most important) may not be accurate. Wear loose fitting slacks if you are going to be measured for a calf length stocking. The ankle and calf will be measured. If you are going to be purchasing panty hose or thigh-high stocking we will also be taking a thigh measurement.
What if I have private insurance?
Your private insurance company will usually pay the balance of your compression stockings. There is no tax (PST or GST) on your compression stockings providing you have a prescription from your doctor. You must be prepared to pay for the stockings at the time of your visit. We will provide you with two copies of the invoice. The original copy (pink) should be mailed into your insurance company with a copy of your prescription for reimbursement. The second copy (white) is for your files, which can also be submitted with your yearly income tax as a medical expense to cover any unpaid portions. Most insurance companies will cover the cost of a minimum of two pair of stockings per year or a maximum dollar value. Please check with your private insurance company to verify which coverage you qualify for.
How do I care for my stockings?
Your medical compression socks and stockings deserve special care. There is a recommended washing solution that fulfills the special requirements for the optimum care and protection of your stocking. Your stockings MUST be washed daily (this is important to restore the compression required). NEVER use fabric softeners or detergents made for wool or silk. A small amount of washing solution (from just just a drop to half a capful) in cool water is all you need, hand wash, let soak for a few minutes and rinse well.. Squeeze between two dry towels and dry in an airy place. Do not expose to sunlight or radiator heat. NEVER put in the dryer. The recommended solution is also great for any articles you have that contain elastic; like your undergarments and swimsuits. For stockings with a grip-top you may want to wipe them once a week with a clean cloth moistened with alcohol. This removes body oils and lint from the clothing that could decrease the effectiveness of the silicone. With your initial stocking purchase you will be given a sample wash as well as rubber gloves. These rubber gloves will fit snuggly and have a grip palm. ALWAYS use the rubber gloves when putting on your stockings. Sharp fingernails, rings and bracelets can cause defects.
When and how do I put my stockings on?
The best time to put on your stockings is upon arising in the morning. The legs should be dry. You can use the foot slip if you have an open toe style. Never gather the stocking before donning. Leave the stocking fully extended. Pull the stocking up over the foot until it covers the ankle. DO NOT pull at the top of the stocking. Using the rubber gloves provided ease the stocking over the foot, then the heel and finally up to the calf or thigh. For calf length style, the top band should be approximately one inch below the bend in the knee. The gloves are rubber, let our fitter know if you have a latex allergy and you will be provided a different type of glove that doesn't contain any latex.
Should I wear my stockings to bed?
Always remove your stockings before going to bed. Use the rubber gloves provided for easier removal. Take hold of the stockings or socks at the upper edge and peel downwards towards the heel (like peeling a banana). Never push downwards as this creates bunching at the heel and more difficulty removing the stocking. With the palm of your hand work the stocking over the heel and remove.
How long will my stockings last?
This certainly depends on the care of your stockings but on average the compression in your stocking lasts approximately six months of daily wear. Although your stocking may still be in great condition after the six month period the compression is no longer of great value so you should be replacing your stocking after that period.
Should I wear my stockings when traveling?
Yes, your legs will be grateful if you wear stockings whether you are traveling by car or plane. All normal healthy people should wear graduated support socks during their journey. Whenever your legs are restricted and inactive during a long journey you may be at increased risk of developing a travel thrombosis (blood clot). If your shoes feel too small after you reach your destination and your tired, heavy legs become swollen you can avoid this by wearing compression stockings.
Are you a claims processor for the NIHB Program under contract to First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Health Canada?
Yes, we are registered providers for this program in order to supply breast prosthesis, bras and compression stockings to First Nations and Inuit customers.
What should I bring to my fitting?
Identification displaying your band number and family number.
A prescription from your doctor stating your condition and the product/s requested.
Be prepared to wait approximately 1 to 2 weeks for your products in order to receive approval from Health Canada. Once approved you can receive your item/s.